44 Authentic Feelings in Chinese

How to Talk About Feelings in Chinese

Time to talk about our feelings in Chinese.  

Talking about our emotions in Chinese is not always comfortable, BUT it’s something we all have to do from time to time. 

Feelings in Chinese 感受 gǎn shòu.

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To express your emotions in Chinese, you can start by saying: ‘I today very (feeling)’ 我今天很 wǒ jīntiān hěn.

Although literally means very, we use this often to link adjectives. In Chinese we do not say 我今天开心, the 很 must be included to make…

我今天很开心 wǒ jīntiān hěn kāixīn

I today very happy

Another thing to remember is, just like in English, where you can be un-happy or un-well.

Likewise, you can add 不 bù to the beginning of your feelings in Chinese.


Max was not happy Yesterday:

马克斯 (mǎ kè sī) 昨天 (zuótiān) 不开心 (bù kāixīn) 

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 Skip ahead to the feelings in Chinese you want to learn first:

⬇️⬇️⬇️ 20 Feelings in Chinese Quiz ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Positive Feelings in Chinese

Negative Feelings in Chinese

Neutral Feelings in Chinese

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Positive Feelings in Chinese

Emotions in Chinese

Let’s start on the right note and learn how to express our positive feelings in Chinese. The default response to how are you feeling is probably going to be good or happy?

  • I’m good: 我很好 wǒ hěn hǎo
  • Happy 开心/高兴 kāixīn or gāoxìng

Here are 10 more positive feelings in Chinese:

Carefree无忧无虑wú yōu wú lǜ
Comfortable舒服shū fu 
Glad欢乐huān lè
Hopeful希望xī wàng
Passionate热情rè qíng
  • Brave in Chinese
  • Carefree in Chinese
  • Comfortable in Chinese
  • Confident in Chinese
  • Excited in Chinese
  • Grateful in Chinese
  • Healthy in Chinese
  • Passionate in Chinese

Negative Feelings in Chinese

Sad in Chinese

Conversely, if you’re not feeling great, saying “I’m not good” or “I’m unhappy” would be the default response if you’re not feeling great.

  • 我不好 wǒ bù hǎo
  • Unhappy 不开心/不高兴 bù kāi xīn or bù gāo xìng

Here are 19 more ways to express negative feelings in Chinese.

Angry生气 / 愤怒shēngqì / fènnù
Annoyed恼火nǎo huǒ
Anxious焦虑jiāo lǜ
Ashamed惭愧cán kuì
Depressed压抑的yāyì de
Discomfort不舒服bù shū fú
Embarrassed尴尬gān gà
Furious暴怒 / 狂怒bào nù / kuáng nù
Homesick想家xiǎng jiā
Nervous紧张jǐn zhāng
Panic惊慌jīng huāng
Regretful后悔 / 遗憾hòu huǐ / yí hàn
Sad悲伤bēi shāng
Scared害怕的hàipà de
Unlucky倒霉dǎo méi
Weak体弱tǐ ruò
Worried担心 / 忧虑dān xīn / yōu lǜ
  • Angry in Chinese
  • Annoyed in Chinese
  • Anxious in Chinese
  • Depressed in Chinese
  • Embarrassed in Chinese
  • Furious in Chinese
  • Nervous in Chinese
  • Sad in Chinese
  • Scared in Chinese
  • Worried in Chinese

Neutral Feelings in Chinese

Learn Chinese

Last but not least here are the feelings in Chinese that aren’t necessarily positive or negative, but, will certainly help you express yourself.

Bored厌烦yàn fán
Competitive有竞争力yǒu jìngzhēng lì
Preoccupied全神贯注的quánshén guànzhù de
Shy害羞 / 腼腆hàixiū / miǎn tiǎn
Sleepy感到困倦gǎn dào kùn juàn
Tired疲劳pí láo
Uncertain不确定bù què dìng

There we have it, positive, negative and neutral feelings in Chinese for you to really boost your Chinese vocabulary!

What’s your favourite? How are you feeling today? Tell us below. Perhaps we missed your favourite word out? Let us know and we’ll add it!

The Feelings Quiz

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First Name
Free Parking


大炮 (dà pào)

苏格兰㹴狗 (sū gé lán gēng gǒu)

赛车 (sài chē)


靴子 (xuē zi)

马&骑手 (mǎ & qí shǒu)

China Electric

顶针 (dǐng zhēn)

礼帽 (lǐ mào)

In Jail

独轮车 (dú lún chē)

Title Deeds

Income Tax

Water Works


Salary Tax


铁熨斗 (tiě yùn dǒu)

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Feelings – Q&A

? How do you say I’m feeling happy in Chinese.

I’m (feeling) happy: 我挺好的 wǒ tǐng hǎo de

? How do you say I’m feeling sad in Chinese.

I’m (feeling) sad: 我有些难过 wǒ yǒuxiē nánguò

? How do you say I’m feeling hungry in Chinese.

I’m (feeling) hungry: 我饿了 wǒ è le

? How do you say I’m feeling tired in Chinese.

I’m (feeling) tired: 我累了 wǒ lèile

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